MONAD 1 | Page 26

An education that facilitates and allows the individual to fill in the gaps of its existence is an education that can give the individual the opportunity to relate to reality and respond to their own needs or those defined by the community. Vibrations beyond time and space Universal intelligence, in order to complete a definite transfer to a multitude of human beings, will involve simultaneity obtained through vibrations produced in the universal harmony choir, as was demonstrated experimentally - that the properties between elementary particles quantum can be transmitted instantaneously, independent of time and space. Energetic beams of identical vibrations have instant and permanent information transfers. Intelligence of the universe may be accepted and evaluated as a sum of independent contributions of individuals, collectivity, of planetary civilizations, with trajectories of positive and negative vibrations emitted (flows of energy and information) as part of the living, but also as parts of condensed vibration forming solid matter. The practice is the secret individual consciousness, being able to transcend mentally after the end of the physical body. A new way of teaching, understanding and presenting can generate a leap of consciousness, where the cooperation of the one who understands and transcends the harmony of opposites is able to foresee and then to bring to light a truth that encompasses more than restricts, a truth which is available in all religions - the basis of which unites them and not the dogma that separates them. Everyone can try to discover his own method of accessing the instant learning, using different techniques of his spiritual practice, always keeping in mind its essence: the awareness. Maria Alina Gutoi worked in Project management for 12 years, experiencing different fields of activity, in corporate companies and in ONGs. Within this time she learned to generate the expected results and be in harmony with her team, with people around her. It is out of an ideal register wherein the possibility is considered that in the near future, a significant number of human beings, with practice in developing individual spiritual intelligence, will access, through conscious will and faith, the instantaneous universal knowledge. Using the skills gained in University as sociopsycho-pedagogue, analyzing parts of herself, of others and the relation between results and harmony, she decided to explore more the soul and not the actions. Science, describing the simultaneous presence of multi-verses, in the absence of notions as time and space, as recent knowledge in quantum physics postulates, justifies the possibility to access instant universal knowledge. For the last couple of years she has started the “Via Sine” (through self) way of complementary therapies, of forms in which the body is seen as a whole and the human is more than a body playing a role. Knowing real