MONAD 1 | Page 25

The Universal Instant Knowledge The learning process of a spiritual world “Our mind appears to be a fragment from this Cosmic Consciousness and, like it, it is a continuous field of information, non-localized. So we understand why our consciousness, as an extension of the cosmic one, has the capacity to direct the mater and to coordinate in the same time.” (Dumitru Constantin Dulcan) Genetic or acquired intelligence We used to believe that the natural processes (like breathing, eating, etc.) don’t need to be learned, but when we have the opportunity of learning about them, we have the opportunity of improving them even though they are still natural. There are also natural processes so unconscious that we are not even aware of them, but if we learn about them, we can use them, afterwards, consciously, to be more effective. The intelligence of the Universe is different from the defined and measurable aspects found by the Equally in human beings who from the embryonic form assimilate, evaluate and react to the information received, and in other forms of life and energy exists in a perfect coordination in complex and constant systems. The debate upon the theory of intelligent acquirement raises the genetic factor as well as the acquired material. Although science has proven that there are capacities inherited and native neuronal functions that can generate an IQ different in each individual, there are also experiential variables that can influence, in time, the native functions. The intelligence of the cell, the cellular memory, makes the processes of evolution of humanity (and of the Universe) to be transmitted from one generation to another and to be enriched with information of every finite living experience The individual is a particle of the universe Integral Education sees the individual as a particle of the universe - full of information, yet permeable enough to allow an exchange - and not as a separate entity to be molded and corrected to a fixed shape. The uniqueness of the individual is given by the ability to modulate the information received from the universe to absorb and process new information from the universe, even enriching its existence by contributing individually. We all are, therefore, co-creators of the reality in which we live.