MONAD 1 | Page 23

In any case, what is of value is that in both old and new languages The Beautiful is reflected by nouns and adjectives derived from the same root: kallos and kalon, pulchritudo and pulcher, bellezza and bello, frumusete and frumos. It is also known that the Greeks have used two forms for The Beautiful, the substantivised adjective as tó Kalon for beauty and they have kept kallos as the abstract notion. “The Beautiful is in beauty – the shapes; in shapes – the proportions; in proportions – the numbers” Saint Augustine We can distinguish betwee n a theory and a definition regarding The Beautiful. Is acceptable to say that when one says that beauty is “what likes when it is watched”, we give a definition of beauty, and when we say, for instance, that “beauty lies in the choice proportions in the appropriate arrangement of parts, in fact, the size, quality and quantity and their relation” we then formulate a theory of beauty. In the first case, a definition will tell us how to recognize beauty, and in the second, a theory explicitly asks us to say how The Beautiful can be explained. Such comprehensive and longevive theory of The Beautiful is called “The Grand Theory”. The Pythagoreans were the ones who have initiated this theory, but it traversed the times thereafter, remaining almost unchanged until the XVIIth century. This Grand Theory has the quality that is applied in plastic arts and music alike. The essential attribute of this theory is the idea of proportion, symmetry and harmony. According to this theory, The Beautiful appears only in the objects in which these parties relate to each other in simple numbers. More specifically: the fair and consistent composition of all things composed come from the five proportions found amongst the four simple numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4. “The Golden Number is the secret mysterious number after which all life species were made, all that has appeared in water, earth and air. It is the same fundamental number (φ) after which the man was made and it is the same with the number for Love and Grace as well as salvation and final rebirth in Spirit. ” words written by the famous German Christian visionary Jakob Lorber, a divine dictation considered by the author to be the words of Jesus Christ It is considered, also that there are some related theses for the Grand Theory: 1. The rational character of The Beautiful; 2. The quantitative nature of The Beautiful, 3. The objective character of The Beautiful 4. The metaphysical dimension of The Beautiful (as said by Pythagoreans and Heraclitus, and Christian thinkers). Other definitions beauty and perspectives of Folklore has significantly defined the fundamental issue of beauty in saying: “It is not beautiful what is beautiful, it’s beautiful what I like.” The expression “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” expresses the same thing . The perception of beauty being intimately related to specificity and everyone’s character is shown also by the saying: “Tastes shall not be discussed”. The Beautiful is therefore perceived within the relationship between the observer, what is contemplated and what is considered by that person to be beautifull as well. The perception of beauty is closely related to the individual emotional, mental and spiritual make.