MONAD 1 | Page 22

The Golden Number in the Integral Architecture

“ If we cannot capture the good in one form , we will have to take hold of it in a conjunction of three : beauty , proportion and truth . Let us affirm that these should by right be treated as a unity and be held responsible for what is in the mixture , for goodness is what makes the mixture good in itself .” Plato
Divine Proportion or a Concept of Beauty and Eternity
This article talks about the Universe as governed by numbers , illustrated by the number phi , also known as the Divine Proportion , or Golden Number . The potentiality of a new system of values based on a trans-disciplinary dialogue between science , personal development , art and society . Influence of the number of people and how this can transform our own being .
Defining some concepts starting from the ancient scholars
The wisemen in various times have searched for achieving the inner beauty , that ideal being realized has carried out , with it , the holiness , which enables the man to feel intensely and deeply The Beautiful , and such to live beautifully
The intense love of The Beautiful , as essence , is described in Plato ’ s “ Symposium ” as a secret way to achieve true immortality .
Leonardo Da Vinci was avid for knowledge and knowledge , as he says himself , births love : ” L ’ amour nait de la connaissance : plus nous connaissons vivement , plus nous aimons .” Leonardo da Vinci reffered to himself not as living , but as loving . And we can define love here as that state that arise from the absolute contemplation of The Beautiful , The Beautiful of Plato – the thrill that fills up the being when one becomes aware that divine is himself witnessed through the
The Beautiful
The Beautiful is a very complex and fluid phenomenon , difficult to define . What we call The Beautiful today , Hellenes called kalón and Latins – pulchrum . This last term disappeared in Renaissance Latin , leaving the place for a new word bellum ( from the bonum diminutive bonellum , abbreviated – bellum ), which the became the Italian bello , in French – beau and in English beautiful . In the Roumanian ( also language with a latin origin ), The Beautiful is named frumos preserving thus the Latin formosus .