MONAD 1 | Page 19

Naturopathy has as precursor the ancient Greek doctor of antiquity, the famous Hippocrates, as he is known in our European space: “We have to go back to NATURE ITSELF, noticing the body in the state of health as well as in a state of illness in order to learn the TRUTH”. One can say that allopathy also recognizes Hippocrates; as we all know, allopath doctors take the Hippocratic Oath and recognize him as a precursor. But what was left now from Hippocrates is just the oath. As the basic directive of the Greek doctor was PRIMUM NON NOCERE (first, do not harm) and we take the printed leaflet of a medical product derived from chemical synthesis and we randomly read the contradictions and the side effects, a legitimate questions arises. How could this principle be true if it is not only non-observed, but almost everything that has been done is done systematically against it? Nowadays, allopathy makes a reference only to pure formalism, not because it does not have anything in common with ancient medicine. In fact, it has done all it can to break out and distance itself from those principles. They only celebrate Hippocrates for marketing reasons, and he only has an honorary role because it sounds nice to be related to a famous forerunner going back 2500 years. Occidental medicine was, more or less, a successor of ancient medicine by the time the microbial theories (more likely, terrors) stated by Pasteur came into light. Ever since, a radical, massive break with the past has begun as well as a new opening towards a brand new conceptual field. Going back from an attitude of harmonious coexistence together with all elements of nature, we can notice the tendency to present a very fearful attitude towards the environment that is considered aggressive, and people should remain afraid because of tiny little particles named microbes. This builds the psychology of a very insecure attitude and the only solution seems to be synthetic chemical medicines and vaccines. History Naturopathic work at the dawn of the modern era of our civilization was promoted by the famous Sebastian Kneipp. He was the one who taught Benedict Lust who arrived in the USA in 1901. In 1895, John Scheel coined the term naturopathy for the first time, a term Benedict Lust used in American environment as he founded the Kneipp Society in 1901. The Society soon turned into the Naturopathic School and its rapid development was never really welcomed by the American control system. “witchcraft “, so that the new generations should become aware of them as they were receptive to modern methods based on the Pasteur doctrine. „We have to go back to NATURE ITSELF, noticing the body in the state of health as well as in a state of illness in order to learn” the TRUTH” Hippocrates