MONAD 1 | Page 14

1 2 Correspondence from India Interview Part 1 . Swami Shankarananda Giri Integral Studies Academy team has reached to Swami Shankarananda Giri in an atempt to engage with the milenary wisdom of Kriyayoga lineage and to bring to Monad’s readers and the Academy folowers an ever more integral perspective on life and its veey pertinent questions. Swami has kindly accepted to answer our many questions and we are delighted to present here the first part of this opened diallogue of wisdom. Swami can also be found at Q: What is happiness? Happiness and everlasting happiness... SWAMI (SSG) In scriptures it is said that the 5th chakra is called - Ananda mayakosha, ananda meaning happiness. But it is very difficult to give an understanding about happiness. Muladhara chakra (first chakra) is annamaya kosha (physical matter), swadisthana chakra (the second chakra) – pranamaya kosha (the life), manipura chakra (third chakra) is manomaya kosha (the mind), fourth chakra, anahata is budhimaya kosha (vijnanamaya) –the knoledge, (superknoledge), fifth chakra is anandamaya kosha – peace or happiness. But it is also said that the so called peace does not exist, it is mere an illusion. If you think of happiness, then there is unhappiness too. If you think of light, there is darkness too. If you think of powerful bright light, then it should be very deep and intense darkness also. Happiness... everlasting happiness, what we mean by this does not exist. It does not exist... If you say day, indirectly you are talking about the existence of night... And what is that which is everlasting?? The only thing which is everlasting is the..Existence...Now, am I existing here or not? I am existing now... Many years ago, students living in the hostel of the university which was located just behind our ashram in Bhubaneswar, used to come from time to time to take bath in our premises when they run out of water, especially as there was no boundary wall. There was a group of six or seven teenagers studying Philosophy which started coming to the ashram quite often making it as a habit to have arguments with me. You know, Philosophy students, they like to argue and debate about anything...