MONAD 1 | Page 13

It is qualities such as love, caring, being kind to others, being at peace with oneSelf and compassionate that what makes a human, human. One of the greatest misteries of life imply creating conciously and co-creating every day, every moment, every single minute. For this the mind needs to be focused, the heart needs to love. I therefore believe that a fundamental revolution is a prerequisite, for our views and attitudes to change from looking out to looking in, and like many Sages of humanity have prescribed for humans we have to move from materialism to spirituality and from man-centeredness to God-centeredness. One may ask, why? For many reasons but the most simplest one is that the emptiness will never be filled in a human’s heart until the knowledge of its true fundamental nature is revealed. Deeply linked to this lays the atainement of the constant unaltered happiness that is achieved through the same. This happiness then will spread and infuse life and all that such being creates. It is time that a considerable amount of humans start to learn about and also to practically apply what should be the fundamental principles of human nature in its integrality, and this can mostly be done through awakened education and educators. Authentic deep knowledge, which is at the same time, full of wisdom and love, always awakens in our being a certain state of responsibility, which will make our actions and decisions equally responsible. There is a need to be wise, to adapt. We learn from our wise ancestors and we live in today’s world. We need to make the best use of educational tools and at the same time apply and welcome the spiritual lessons of the sages. Any sensible leader knows that the biggest value lies in the people. The change of education can be done trrough the paths of intention, conscious awarness, practice of yoga and with the enlightening experiences that can in time build a new temperament and traits and ultimatelly the Self is being revealed. When people are living a happy and fully harmonized life, what they create bears that energy. When the educators are humble and hold value in their own capacity to transform and be wise, they inspire others to hold similar values. But that can only be reached when educators and leaders themselves have walked the path of transformation and are such aware and educated, when all levels of consciousness are fully awakened in themselves. I see the education and the conciousness expanding practices uniting in helping us to make use of all that we have, in order to achieve all that we are, both at individual level and at the level of humanity. Author : Irina E Childs, MBA Contact: [email protected]