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1 2 Also, in the nuclear physics, it has often been noticed that the strong emission of a photon can hardly be followed by an appearance of a proton and an electron. But what exactly determines a photon, which is primarily a quantum of energy, to choose to behave as two particles, as an electron and a proton? What choice does it (the quantum of energy) make for it to behave as matter or energy? There are various situations in which physical phenomena are inexplicable and these wellknown mysteries of science are only partially expounded by De Broglie's theory. More subsequent experiences have proved that in similar situations of environment and experimentation the particles do not behave the same. The physicists have shown that the phenomenon exists. But what does it trigger the appearance of the anomalies of particles? It was only in 1969, in the Gnosis of Princeton, when they formulated at least a theoretic answer. The answer states that: "Each particle of macrocosm has a form of consciousness. This special form of superior intelligence animates the matter and shapes it. " The Gnosis of Princeton had a wide echo and many modern researchers present their spiritual orientation openly. Is it possible for the science of the future to be the very modern alchemy, through which the man seek assiduously the access to the void, as being the Divine transcendence? But old initiatory schools underline that intelligence alone is powerless. It is only the fascinating state of wonder that can block the logical mind, always hungry for new and the simple modesty of the heart that allow the human being the complete knowledge of the cosmic laws. This is how the man allows God to “saw” the undeniable truth of his eternal existence in his heart. Conclusion Epochal scientific discoveries have revealed over time great spiritual truths that were considered spiritual secrets. Without demystifying the essential truth, we can intuit that the Universe is created in the basic rules of the Supreme Consciousness. In the recent decades, the ability of the human psyche to assimilate and interpret more information has amplified. It is observed that there is an endpoint to assimilate knowledge. The sacred texts say that the supreme knowledge implies the mental absorption in the eternal transcendent reality of God. When a human being is ready, then God the Father will appear in the intimacy of his/her heart and will manifest in such a form so that the human being can discover Him. We are confident that science will have the same happy ending. Can we see in this an ecstatic form of worshipping God? Author: Lector. univ. dr. ing. Marosy Zoltán Integral Studies Academy London Ecologic University Bucharest 10