MomsEveryday Kansas June 2014 | Page 9

A Note From Amanda

Amanda Lanum hosts

MomsEveryday M-F at 4:30 p.m. on WIBW-TV.

Just 6 months ago we officially launched our MomsEveryday show on WIBW-TV. Already we’ve produced 100 episodes, partnering with dozens of people and organizations in the community to promote some of the best available resources for parents. I’m often stopped by viewers while out and about, and I have to say, the expressions of gratitude and excitement for the show have been humbling and overwhelming. Your support drives our team. MomsEveryday is a rewarding labor of love for everyone. The cliché fits.

On a personal note, my little boy is growing up too fast! Taegan is already 10 months old, walking, and saying "dadda." My husband Tanner and I wake up every day feeling blessed beyond reason.

How are your little ones? I’d love to hear from you! I’ve listed some ways you can get in touch with me below. Thank you so much for being part of the MomsEveryday family.

Amanda Lanum

Host & Executive Producer

MomsEveryday Kansas

Editor in Chief

MomsEveryday Kansas Magazine