Mommy's Time Out Magazine September Issue | Page 17

August is the official "ONE YEAR until we are DONE with treatment" mark! McKinley has one full year left in treatment & then she will be done with chemo/steroids/antibiotics & the slew of other meds she takes to treat her ALL Leukemia in August 2017. She is doing remarkably amazing. While we're still far from the end of this, recently everyday seems to get better. Everyday she gets stronger & everyday her hair grows a little longer to help her blend back in to the "healthy" kids. Of course there are ups & downs & bad weeks (ugh steroid weeks), but it is such a great place to just really be living life again.

McKinley started a morning gymnastics class & PRESCHOOL this month! She was SO excited about starting school (she's going part time MWF 9-12). Her oncologists encouraged me to enroll her (since Brady was in preschool at this age they really encourage you to keep the same "life" you would have if she wasn't sick). Her teachers are amazing & very aware & supportive of her situation (one is a member of this group & I'm so thankful she's teaching because she's known McKinley before this nightmare). I know she's in the best hands possible with both teachers, & with a little bribery at drop off, she's been doing great! There is no better feeling than watching

her become a little girl doing normal little girl things.

We are SO excited and honored for the Love McKinley Gala It is going to be an amazing event! There are so many gracious, giving, loving & kind people in this community. I can't wait for you all to see it in person on Sept 24th. Super yummy food, adult beverages, good music & great company with a raffle/auction that has phenomenal donations! Hope to see you all there! As always, thank you for your continued prayer, love & support for my sweet girl.

