Mommy's Time Out Magazine July 2017 | Page 18

Soothing Your Teething Baby Teething is a normal part of development but may be an uncomfortable process for you and your baby. Although each child’s teething timeline is different, you can expect your baby to begin teething between six and 12 months old—some teeth may appear as early as 3 months or even as late as 14 months. Whenever they begin to sprout their first teeth, it’s important to remember that good oral care begins long before their pearly whites make an appearance. You can prevent plaque from adhering to your child’s gums by gently wiping them with a soft, moist washcloth or piece of gauze. We recommend doing this after feedings and before bedtime. Keeping an Eye Out for Teething Symptoms - Teething brings about a variety of signs and symptoms, but some of the most common include: fussiness, trouble sleeping, irritability, loss of appetite, drooling more than usual, and gum tenderness. You should contact your pediatrician if your child begins to develop a persistent fever, diarrhea, or a rash in addition to these symptoms. How to Soothe Your Baby’s Discomfort Massaging the gums, for instance, counters the pressure from their incoming teeth and in turn eases teething pain. You can try using a clean finger, a small cold spoon, or a moist gauze pad or washcloth to see which your child most prefers. Teething rings and toys are another useful tool in the teething process. Chewing on these provides the same pain relief as massaging by countering that pressure in the gums. Refrigerating (not freezing!) these toys before they chew will provide an additional cooling sensation to help soothe your child’s soreness. Be sure to avoid numbing agents. They may seem like a good idea to ease the discomfort of incoming teeth, but they could be potentially harmful. If you are having a rough time, a single dose of weight appropriate pain medication or homeopathic remedies can do the trick.