Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM Summer 2018 | Page 14

What Is A Keto Diet? Put very simply, a keto diet is a carbohydrate deficient diet. This means you eliminate carbohydrates completely from what you eat in order to get your body into a state of ketosis. This means your body no longer has the availability of its primary energy source, carbohydrates, and if forced to use others. Your body needs carbohydrates and if it is not getting them from dietary intake your body has the ability to break down fat and create it thereby using fat and protein as its primary energy source. If you are trying to lose weight your body being a fat burning inferno is going to be very helpful. What does it take? Most experts say if you want to get into a state of ketosis, which will take about a week, you need to have less than 20g of carbohydrates per day. That is basically none. If you avoid every carbohydrate in every meal, you may be able to get down to 20g. This because there is a little bit of sugar in almost everything. So, finding foods with next to none is very difficult. What should I worry about? This is not something that is permanently sustainable. You cannot do this for a long time without risking permanent damage to things like your kidneys. High protein diets are hard on them so most experts agree that longer than 30 days is starting to get into the danger zone. 13 MOMENTUM / Summer 2018 By: Louie Robinson, DC [email protected] Clear Creek Chiropractic Center Introducing carbs after a keto diet can also have the opposite effect of the diet and cause you to put on fat quickly. Reintroducing carbs slowly in the right way will prevent this but it must be done correctly of you could undo what you just spent 4 weeks accomplishing. Final thoughts? Finally, this diet is very effective and has other great benefits along with weight loss like: higher energy, better sleep, and an overall feeling of euphoria throughout the day. It’s also fairly easy to do once you get the basics down and find alternative foods to the high carbohydrate foods you love. Bread and chips are tough ones though! Give it a try, most of you will love not only the weight loss but the energy you get while on it, just make sure you do it right.