Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine February 2017 | Page 22

An Organization ’ s Powerful Force !

By Dion McInnis , Empowered Creativity Institute
Dion @ Dionmcinnis . com
Financial advisors suggest to us that we need to look at money differently , more creatively . They tell us there is a creative way of looking at the power of money . Businesses , too , benefit from the same creative look . A powerful force of your organization is …
… compound interest . You have heard that many times , but you probably thought of it in financial terms . Consider it as a communications strategy , too .
Each time you disseminate content , engage in activities , host events , partake in conversation or manage meetings , you have a chance to develop interest by others in your organization ’ s cause , mission and vision . Don ’ t let those elements stand alone . Remove the moats from around the offices , programs and people so that the interest generated in others can be compounded .
Simply making multiple contacts ( impressions , in advertising terms ) does not compound interest . Change the way your organization considers planning , content development and relationships ( internal and external ) to possess the power of compound interest . Here are a few steps to consider :
Think system , not org chart
Don ’ t look at responsibilities through the filter of an organizational chart . While that approach may help track accountability and responsibility , it also tends to prevent from developing and implementing strategies that work off each other to generate multiple areas of interest in others that compound for engagement and support . Look at the elements of your organization as a system , not of boxes linked by lines and separated by hierarchy .
Every activity should benefit from collective talents and perspectives . Consider all the elements of the project at hand and have experts from those areas at the table for planning . Bring good thinkers to the process , even if they don ’ t have a vested interest in the outcome . These steps help generate internal compound interest , helping improve morale , unify the team and strengthen the culture of your organization .
Plan and de-brief with an eye on compounding interest
Investors and financial planners know that compound interest works , and they manage it with strategy and oversight . As you plan events , communications , interactions and programs , focus with intentionality on compounding interest ; in the de-briefing session after the program or project is completed , be sure to ask the question ,“ Did we compound interest ? If not , how can we do it better next time ? If we did , what were the most effective ways ? What indications do we have whether we did or did not compound interest ?”
There are dozens of other ideas , but these should help get the wheels in motion . Compound interest : an undeniable force .
22 MOMENTUM / February 2017