Modern Tango World N° 8 (Moscow, Russia) | Page 24

Sunset Tango Collages Denise Mumm Denise Mumm creates her tango collages in a studio in her house in Staten Island, New York, where she has lived since 1982. She is a native of Sioux City, Iowa. She grew up with a watercolorist mother and a father who made ceramics. Denise earned both her BFA in painting and MA in metal- working and jewelry from the University of Iowa. Denise Mumm’s tango imagery began, naturally enough, soon after a tango pil- grimage to Buenos Aires. As a srudent of tango, she travelled there un 2005. Frus- trated by her shopping for paintings of tango dancers to take home, Mumm had a eureka moment. She realized that as an artist, she could make her own tango artwork and it would more satisfactorily express her experience of the dance. As with the tango itself, creating these im- ages has become a near obsession. Her collages focus on details of the dance that only a dancer knows, such as the embrace. the precision of the placement of the feet, and the variety in handholds. Just as every tanda is different, there are endless variations. Each of Mumm’s piec- es, from the smallestm measuring only four inchesm to the large collages on un- stretched canvas that are six feet across.. Mumm’s technique for creating these col- lages was honed as a studio assistant in the 1980’s, working for the well-known feminist artist Miriam Shapiro . Shapiro and Faith Ringgold, for whom Mumm also worked became her mentors and role models. Both these artists also combine figures with bits of pattern, in vivid colors. — 24 — TO SUBSCRIBE, CLICK HERE