Modern Tango World N° 8 (Moscow, Russia) | Page 11

But, tango did not enjoy the interest of young people. In the 1960s, like all over the world, it was possible to find records with rock and roll in Moscow, but tango was not in demand, However, just before Perestroika, there was an interest- ing episode in the history of Russian tango which Argen- tine dancers remember with great pleasure. There was a science-fiction film in 1973 about aliens who come to earth, and are surprised by all the joys of earthly life. In the film, legendary Argentine dancers Gloria & Eduardo Arquimbau dance. However, their appearance in the movies did not popularise tango dance or music. Tango will need to wait until the mid-90s to display its new colors and possibilities, when the first tangp schools opened in Moscow. Nowadays, there are more than sixty schools in Moscow. Today, the Russian tango com- munity is one of the largest in the world. — 11 — TO SUBSCRIBE, CLICK HERE