Modern Tango World N° 5 (Mexico) | Page 47

his left. This is more difficult and it is sometimes called walking on the darkside. Part of the difficulty arises from the embrace, In the conventional closed embrace, the leader’s arm must be extended across the front of the follower. Unless the walk is very tight, close side by side, this can become uncomfortable. Three Tracks Inside Walking in three tracks is undoubtedly a more difficult walk. The walk is always in the cross system. When walking inside, the embrace is slightly offset to the left, so that the leader’s right foot is directly in front of the the follower’s right foot. As the leader steps forward with his left foot, the follower steps back with her left.They step together in unison. Sometimes, it appears as if the leader is pushing the follower’s foot. Three Tracks Outside One of the more difficult walks, walking in three three tracks on the darkside. The embrace is slightly offset to the right, with the leader’s left foot is directly in front of the the follower’s left . As the leader steps forward with his right foot, the follower steps back with her right. They step together in unison with their left feet, almost as if they are linked together. One Track (Una Pista) An unusual walk, most appropriate for milongas. The follower walks backward in linear back ochos, always stepping directly behind her foot. The leader walks in linear forward ochos, always stepping firectly in front of the previous foot. This can be a very elegant way to walk. But, it is almost always done in open embrace. One Track Trip (Una Pista con Transpie) The follower walks backward in linear back ochos, always stepping directly behind her foot. The leader crosses his foot behind, and kicks the front foot forward.Then, he draws the rear foot in front of the other in a cross and repeats. side-by-side in promenades, paseos. Each of these has many variations and deserve substantial treatment on their own. But instead, we will turn our attention to the styles of walking. Walking Styles (Estilos Caminando) Different music and different embraces suggest different styles of walking, and individual dancers develop styles of walking that are best suted to their own bodies and temperment. But, most importantantly, the style of walk should suit the music and its sensibility. Most of the styles of walking are very difficult to illustrate in photos or videos. They must be experienced to be understood. Classical Walk (Caminando Clásico) The leader walks erect with pointed toe. The heel is lowered just before of the toe touches, with the toe pointing slightly outward. As the heel touches, weight is transferred forward with a slight develope, the rear leg is then brought forward in the same manner. Run (Corrida) A short sequence of very fast steps, usually less than eight steps taken inside partner, with the leader on the follower’s right. Tiny Steps (Sequidillas) Very, very short, very quick steps, possibly stepping to every beat. This can be done by either the leader or the follower, or both. Slink (Escabulla) A style of walking that takes low long steps, zancada, close to the ground, sneaky and stealthy, like a cat. Walking Flat (Piso Plano) Walking without rise or fall, low to the floor, as if carrying a platter on your head. Up & Down Walk (Subé y Bajo) The opposite of Piso Plano. This is a walk in which the partners go up and down together. Sometimes in close embrace, their hips may be in contact. Stalking Walk (Pie de Piso) A halting, stalking walk that tends to drift towards the center of the dance floor. The leader is facing about 30° towards the outside. The leader steps diagonal forward on his left, hold for at least one Alternative Tracks measure, then cross steps in front with his right foot, The description of walking in terms of tracks is halts for a measure again, and repeats. perhaps an over-simplification. It only describes those walks in which the dancers’ feet are in par- Tail Walk (Rabona) allel with the line of dance.There are several walks The leader is walks in cross steps, in one track, rein which the dancers’ feet are turned to a right gardless of what the follower does. He alternates angle to the line of dance, such as Ocho Doble. left crosses with right crosses. The walk can be forThere are also walks in which the dancers are ward or backward. — 45 — To Subscribe, Click here