Modern Flavor Magazine 1/2015 Modern Flavor Magazine 1/2015 | Page 40

demons, and that fear was enough to shelf the project. I was going to be big and sexy, and ignore the problem, but then my father became sick. He was losing his battle with diabetes and cancer, and watching him deteriorate caused me to look at my health differently. I wanted to change, and I was no longer afraid. “Fuck it, I’m Fat: My Weight Loss Journey,” was the first step. Since publishing the book, I have lost 63 lbs, drastically changed the way I view food, and started a free support group on facebook. I was overjoyed when Modern Flavor reached out to me to talk about my weight loss journey. I believe that there is a prevalent culture of overeating and inactivity in our community, and I relish every opportunity to have an open dialogue about obesity and weight loss. When did you realize you needed to lose weight? I have always been a big girl, and I’ve struggled with my weight for over twenty years. I didn’t become serious about losing weight until 2012. As I stated earlier my father was losing his battle with diabetes and cancer, and I started to view my health problems differently. I didn’t want to be the cause of my death. Was there a concern for your health? I was diagnosed with type II Diabetes in 2005, and starting to have adverse effects, and complications with my nerves because of the disease. In 2011 my doctor told me that I could reverse the neuropathy if I lose some weight. That was my first motivator. What has been the most challenging part of the journey? Food!!!!! lol I am an emotional eater, so I find it extremely hard not to turn to food when I am upset or stressed. Exercising was equally hard in the beginning of my journey, but once I became consistent in my routines, I began to crave exercise and I usually go for a walk or workout to avoid stress eating. How did you use food to aid in your weight loss? It may sound cliche, but I had to make the mental switch from living to eat, to eating to live. I looked at food as a recreation, and reward instead of nourishment and fuel. It was not an easy process, but I take it one day at a time just like Narcotics Anonymous.