Modern Flavor Magazine 1/2015 Modern Flavor Magazine 1/2015 | Page 30

stood on the back dock and smoked a cigarette, went. You’ve suddenly become “management” and cannot be trusted. Things you once turned a blind eye towards, you now have to address or, even worse, take disciplinary action. The staff that once loved you and invited you out for drinks now looks at you like you’re the company snitch. Why? Simply, because you are doing your job. The problem is, you were not doing your job in the first place as the sous. So, to answer the original question at the head of this article, YES there is a such thing as being too nice. It’s easier to start off like a jerk and back off later. It’s almost impossible to start off nice and try to be a jerk later because things have gotten out of control. Can it be done? Yes, but you’re going to have to clean house and start almost completely over for changes to take place. Below is a list of the types of people that you’ll run across in most kitchens. Are you one of these people? Loyal and successful . . . in spite of you The people that always supported you will continue to do so. Most of the time, these are the individuals that, no matter who’s in charge, did their job anyway. These are the people that will have your back, but when it’s time to go, they are like a fart in the wind––out and gone quickly. All of their work will be done, and you almost never have to go behind them. These are people you can count on. They know their job, and do it very well. They like you but could care less if you stayed or left because they are doing exactly what they are supposed to do, not for the chef but because it’s in them to just do a great job and go home. I like you . . . for the moment Then you have the team members that like you only when it’s in their favor. If given the chance, they’d stick the biggest, longest chef knife they could find in your back. They do an okay job. They are never late and very reliable. However, they are watching you more than you’re watching them. They are the ones that watch the schedule to see how many hours everyone is getting. They are the ones that watch to see how everyone is disciplined or not disciplined. They have your back only if they know there isn’t a chance under the sun anything is