Modern Flavor Magazine 1/2015 Modern Flavor Magazine 1/2015 | Page 22

go under the sneeze guard reaching for food and their hair drags along the top of the other food. I’ve seen kids taste something, don’t like it, take it out of their mouth, and put it back with the rest of the food. Below is a list of things that I’ve seen over the years. I’m not trying to get you to stop going to buffets, but be a little more conscious about what’s going on around you while you’re there. * Drop the utensil on the floor, pick it up, and put it back in the food. * Grabbing food out of the serving container with bare hands. * Reusing dirty plates. * Letting your kids go up to the buffet without supervision, and they touch and sneeze all over the food. * Don’t read the food label and ask what an obvious dish is (You’d be surprised how many times we get asked, “is that chicken?” and people are looking at a chicken wing.) * Ask for food that is not on the buffet. (The items of the buffet are pork and chicken and you ask, “Do you have any beef?” My answer is, “Do you see any beef?”) * Put food on your plate and decide you don’t want it then put it back. (You may see nothing wrong with this, but would you eat food that was on my plate that I decided I didn’t want?) * Stick the tip of your finger in the salad dressing to see what flavor it is. (I don’t know where your hands have been, and you decide to stick your nasty finger in the Thousand Island Dressing.)