Modern Business Magazine October 2016 | Page 44

we feel deep in our guts . It ’ s that sense of disgust accompanied by wrinkling up our nose as if we just smelt something really bad when involved in a workplace dispute , failed negotiation or disputed judgment call . Behaving in an impartial manner in every interpersonal interaction can mean the difference between being accepted and listened to , or ignored . The effective leader always looks to play fair .
CLARITY Your choice of words , phraseology , even punctuation can mean the difference between a message getting through and being understood in the way it was intended or not . One of the biggest social threats in any workplace today lies around the level of uncertainty people are experiencing ; whether this relates to job tenure , job description or expectations . Choosing to be economical with all the facts can be a bad move . If the sense is of not being told the whole story ; rising stress levels quickly engender fear
and a rapid downward spiral of mood or motivation . Being clear about the message , sharing what is known ( so far ) and being as transparent as possible about the intention of the message provides the clarity required to stay in the towards state .
EMPATHY While aligned strongly with trust , empathy provides a genuine reflection of understanding of what others may be experiencing . Empathetic leaders are valued for coming from a place of service and humility when sharing a tough decision . It softens the blow for the person receiving it and helps others to remain resilient in the face of adversity .
Empathy is a skill set that can be learned or enhanced . When Telefonica Germany put their staff through an empathy training program , the company saw a 6 % increase in customer satisfaction in just 6 weeks . It begins by choosing to spend time getting to know people , showing sincerity and generosity of spirit .
Effective leadership is people centered . Incorporating the findings from the social cognitive neuroscience or Neuroleadership can assist every leader to boost organisational health , efficiency and performance .
Dr . Jenny Brockis is the Brain Fitness Doctor . She specialises in brain health and the science of high performance thinking . Her new book Future Brain : The 12 Keys to Create Your High- Performance Brain ( Wiley ) is available online and at all good bookstores . Visit www . drjennybrockis . com
44 ModernBusiness October 2016