Modern Business Magazine November 2016 | Page 9

MODERN MARKETING experience (in other words a market leading brand) begin. Goals might include broad strategic initiatives, as well as specific tactical marketing programs and campaigns. In every case, the establishment of an IM program incorporates three main elements of the marketing concept: 1 It is customer focused - the customer is the hero of the organization. 2 It is integrated throughout the organization: everyone is in marketing. 3 It is accountable: various customer and employee metrics are established to monitor progress towards goals. Internal marketing projects usually encompass one of six phases: 1 An assessment phase that uncovers management and employee attitudes and beliefs towards each other, the company, customers, and marketing mix components. This frequently consists of employee focus groups or formal written employee and management surveys. 2 The segmentation and profiling of the internal market by demographic, work-related, and attitudinal characteristics. 3 A review of communications activities and their effectiveness, including a “mapping” of communications channels. Instrumental are the links among customers, employees, and marketing/management. 4 An assessment of employee performance and appraisal systems, including goal-setting, measurement, appraisals, and rewards. 5 The identification with management and employees of realistic internal marketing goals and objectives. 6 The development of a workable internal marketing plan to achieve internal marketing goals. These plans usually include communications and behaviouralrelated programs across all organizational levels. inspire their employees to inspire their customers. This is where great customer service begins. It is also where great employee relations begin. Focus on the customer and everybody wins! Motivated and inspired employees are the clearest reflection of your brand. Motivated and inspired employees equate to a better customer experience. Happy customers results in more sales. More sales usually mean increased profitability. Keep your promises to your staff as well as to your customers. Organizations implement their IM programs using a combination of internal and external resources. That might include employee meetings, developing orientation and other employee communications materials, creating communications programs for annual employee meetings, creating IM integrated appraisal systems, and focusing on day-today employee communications to ensure a professional, consistent internal marketing perspective. Many organisations battle with training, motivating and inspiring front line staff. Hiring processes can often be shortcut due to immediate staffing needs. We all know that poorly motivated and disengaged staff reflects badly on your company and your brand. IM programs enable businesses to For more than 20 years Naomi has been creating events for organisations that have helped them stand out from the crowd. Naomi has also had leadership roles in large scale events such as the Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix, Melbourne Cup & Royal Melbourne Show. In 2015 Naomi started Focus on Food which is using technology to redefine the way we think about events, creating new opportunities for venues, chefs and other hospitality & event professionals. November 2016 ModernBusiness 9