Modern Business Magazine June 2016 | Page 59

Working at a slower than reasonable face , distraction and disorganised work habits are key insights to the extent to which someone no longer has the desire to do their job well .
5 . Poor quality work . It ’ s not uncommon for people with the requisite skills , knowledge and experience to fail to deliver a reasonable standard of output . Errors , incomplete actions , mediocre presentation and lack of follow through are common performance challenges that arise when people ‘ check out ’. Lifting engagement takes a deliberate approach focused on each person and your team as a whole . While the steps you take as a leader are critical , so to is each individual ’ s willingness to work toward a better standard of contribution . Expect every member of your team to take ownership for his or her own success and happiness at work . Unless people have the desire to reengage and come with you on a journey , they wont . Put simply if people don ’ t want to be there , they need to move on .
Critical steps to take when your team are checked out
1 . Talk to people . Take the time to talk to each person on your team about how they feel about their role , your business and the future . Begin by exploring the extent to which people enjoy their job and its inherent tasks or requirements . It ’ s common to meet people who simply don ’ t like what they do . Maintaining engagement and performance in a role we don ’ t enjoy is unlikely .
2 . Energise your teams spirit . Understand the things that energize and drain your team of the energy needed to succeed . When people have plenty of positive energy in reserve they are entirely more likely to choose effective thoughts , emotions and ways of behaving . When drained of energy , however , most people are likely to respond in ways that undermine success .
3 . Share an inspiring vision for the future . Help people to see a clear picture of the future . Inspire people to want to be a part of it by sharing what you believe the team is capable of achieving and why . Influence a strong sense of belief in the future and people are more likely to be energized by the challenge . When people see little point in what they are doing or hope of success , they are likely to disengage .
4 . Influence a strong sense of personal value . How we feel about ourselves as well as how we believe other people feel about us plays a significant role in energising our spirit and influencing our engagement . When people feel valued , capable and respected they are more likely to give things a go . When they feel disrespected or undervalued they are more likely to minimise their contribution . Reward and recognise people – even a pat on the back can make a big difference .
5 . Value relationships . Build an environment in which people are expected to nurture healthy relationships that allow the team to thrive . When people trust and respect the people they work with , they are entirely more like to feel emotionally invested in your business . Consider carefully the people you invite to join your team and the impact they are likely to have on the group . Take action to address conflicts that arise and behaviours that adversely impact how people feel about coming to work .
Karen Gately is a leadership and peoplemanagement specialist and a founder of Ryan Gately . Karen works with leaders and HR teams to drive business results through the talent and energy of people . She is the author of The People Manager ’ s Toolkit : A Practical guide to getting the best from people ( Wiley ) and The Corporate Dojo : Driving extraordinary results through spirited people . For more information visit www . karengately . com . au or contact info @ ryangately . com . au
June 2016 ModernBusiness 59