Modern Business Magazine January 2016 | Page 31

MODERN MARKETING retailer with information about how much time a customer spends in a particular part of a store and how the customer moves through the store. Beacons enable retailers to more accurately attribute sales to online or in-store, based on tracking of the customer’s in-store behaviour. While most sales start with an online search or research, if a customer researches on line, then browses in-store and later buys online, without a beacon that sale would be wholly attributed to the online store. With beacons, the retailer is able to get a much clearer picture of the customer’s pre-sale activities. Beacons can also provide a whole new level of transparency for advertisers. You can see where your ad was displayed, how many times, and you can compare performance based on the location of the ads. The Internet of Things Over the last few years, the Internet of Things has very much become part of our lives. Globally, there are nearly 20 billion connected devices. It’s estimated that this this will triple over the next 5-10 years. Think connected car, television, game console, mobile devices, watch, fridge, sound system, appliances, robot assistants (Jibo), virtual reality headsets and more. Technology will become a part everything we do. Who’s to say your fridge won’t recognise when you’re running low on milk and order more for you. It will be delivered along with your groceries your Jibo ordered…. just the quantity and quality you prefer…no brand or impulse purchases required. Ah! I can hear the marketers scream as they jump from the nearest high rise window. We can now learn about something, interact with it and buy it, all from the one place. Making purchases from anywhere, on our televisions, fridges or via our Jibos will become common place. It’s a no brainer that technology will have a significant impact on how we frame our marketing messages. Virtual & Augmented Reality In past marketing cultures, our marketing decisions were based around the particular communication platform and when and how consumers accessed it. This won’t be the issue anymore. We will just assume that consumers will have the technology with them - whether it’s in their pockets, handbags, or in their cars and homes. When we talk about technology driven changes, just like Sales Engagement Technologies - this is a big one. It will completely change the way we do things. Think Oculus Rift - the Facebook owned virtual reality headset. For example, you could offer an experience where people could put on their headset (anywhere they are) and visualise themselves using or experiencing your product. Images how this will January 2016 ModernBusiness 31