Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 94, May 2017 | Page 36



Taper Tactics

Just one more long run … Let ’ s be honest , we ’ ve all fallen into the trap of squeezing just a little more in before Comrades , and many a Comrades medal is won or lost in the last few weeks before the big day , so here ’ s how to taper properly before race day .


hen it comes to tapering for Comrades , many of us find ourselves in one of two groups , the ‘ Pacman Runners ’ or the ‘ Bring-onthe-Holiday Runners .’ In the case of Pacman Runners , they are like the old arcade game , gobbling up as many kays as possible right to the very end . They start to panic as race day draws nearer , questioning every aspect of their training , especially the quantity , often believing they have not done enough mileage and don ’ t have enough “ time on the legs .” Meanwhile , the Bring-on-the-Holiday Runners simply cannot wait for the taper period . For them , the 60 to 65km long run marks the high water mark , and once they hit that target they shut down into ‘ holiday mode ’ and wait for race day to arrive .
The problem with these two groups should be blatantly obvious : Pacman runners end up doing far too much , lining up at the start of Comrades tired and drained , and the day is simply a long hard slog from beginning to end . The holiday runners end up doing little to nothing for five to six weeks , so by the time race day comes their legs and bodies have long since gone into holiday mode . Once in that state there is no way they ’ re going to convince their bodies that suddenly running 90km is a good idea !
There is , however , a third group of runners . In contrast to the other two , this is a very small group of runners . They get the taper just right – not too much and not too little – and they are confident in their training and in what they have done in the preceding months . They will line up at Comrades well rested , strong and sharp , and they will achieve the goal they have spent months training for .
Now every Comrades runner wants to be part of this third group , so here are a few guidelines to ensure that you get it right :
• Your taper should start around three weeks before race day .
• Your taper should see a drop in quantity and an increase in quality . The drop in quantity will ensure that your muscles recover sufficiently before race day and the increase in quality will ensure that you line up on race day sharp and ready to rumble . Just a note of caution : An increase in quality does not mean hitting the track flat-out .
• Your total weekly distance should drop off with each week , by 20-30 % in the first week of taper , 40-50 % in the second and 50-60 % in the third . So , for example , if your peak week was 100km , then week 1 of taper would be 70km , week 2 of taper 50km , and the last week would be 30km .
• You ’ re going to lose your mind in the taper weeks . Your mind will tell you that you ’ re getting unfit , that you should be doing more , that you ’ re not ready , but this is normal . Instead of focusing on those thoughts , turn your mind towards the race : Visualise the route , and plan your race strategy , as this will ensure that you line up not only body sharp , but mind sharp too .
• Get lots of sleep .
• Load up on vitamins and minerals and immune boosters .
About the Author Ray is a Johannesburg-based USATF and NAASFP certified coach . Find him at www . runetics . com or ray @ runetics . com .
Images : Fotolia


Flu-fighting Foods !

At this time of the year , the flu bug usually does the rounds , especially amongst runners training hard for the Comrades , and before you know it your training has been sidelined , but your immune system has a complex network in place to keep you healthy – if you fuel it properly . If you want to ward off the flu and keep running , include these eight immune-boosting foods or ingredients .
36 ISSUE 94 MAY 2017 / www . modernathlete . co . za