ModelStyle Magazine Jul/Aug 2015 | Page 23

17 year old Jordyn Denning is this month’s featured model. Jordyn began her journey into the arts with musical theater and dramatic acting at the age of 8. For the last three years she has shifted from stage to camera and pursued her love of modeling ; “I have always been fascinated by the nuances of modeling…your eyes have to tell the story your voice isn’t able to on camera.” Photo Credit - Mae Richards Photo Credits: Photographer: John Ng Angela loves being part of the fashion 23 Photo Credit - Norm Lao Jordyn Growing up in Southern California has enabled Jordyn to not only have the opportunity to experience the entertainment industry, but also explore her many outdoor interests. “I consider myself adventurous and I love trying new things and being active! This last year I have challenged myself with rock climbing and target shooting, as well as taken surfing and snowboarding lessons. I’m far from stellar at any of these activities, but having a great time!”