Model Connections April 2017 test | Page 34


Put some real butter on that asparagus ? What if I told you

it was also one of the healthiest suggestions ? If you ’ re one of the millions of people who still believes that a fat free diet is the key to weight loss , you are WRONG . A fat-free diet is unhealthy and ineffective in helping you to lose body fat . * Your body needs some fat to function * Fat-free foods actually sabotage weight loss by causing overeating * Fat-free foods contain high levels of sugar that sabotage your weight loss . Why do you actually need fat in your diet ? For both good health and weight loss . Certain vitamins are what are known as fatsoluble vitamins . Meaning that they actually need to be coupled with fat in order for your body to absorb them . Without fat , they pass through your digestive tract and right out of your body without being used . These fat soluble vitamins include Vitamins A , K , E and D . Globally there ’ s an almost epidemic rate of Vitamin D deficiency . Down to factors such as lacking daylight hours , or wearing sun block . The other main source of Vitamin D is dairy products such as milk and yoghurt . But if we ’ re drinking fat-free milk and eating fat-free yoghurt , our bodies aren ' t going to absorb that Vitamin D . I ' m not a fan of cow ' s milk due to how cows are reared here in the UK , but I am a fan or sheep and goats milk products . To absorb these essential Vitamins , we must ingest them with some healthy fat . Most of you have read and heard about the importance of getting plenty of phytonutrients , chemicals found in plants , which fight inflammation , cancer , disease and oxidative stress . Because of their phytonutrient content , their fiber and low calorie content , women trying to lose weight eat piles of raw vegetables in an effort to lose weight healthfully . Research has shown that your body needs fat in order to absorb those phytonutrients . Now , I should clarify at this point that the full-fat dressings you eat need to be full of healthy fats , meaning monounsaturated fats like olive or coconut oil . The cheap , supermarket brands of salad dressing are made with partially-hydrogenated fats and trans-fats . Our bodies need fat just as much as they need protein and
When you consume a great deal of sugar causes huge spikes of insulin in your bloods does insulin stimulate body to store fat ( Not going for ), but it can also start a cycle of pe The more frequently you have these insulin sensitive to insulin your body becomes . Insul liver glucose to the body ’ s cells so it can be u when you become less sensitive to insuli store more glucose as fat instead of b your body also starts sending mo bloodstream in an effort to c lem . It ’ s a real Catch-22 is that you start sto pecially arou domen . To conclu from your d ting it down mum is not th weight . It will ru make you feel mi tually lead to weigh get a reasonable pe daily and make you healthy ones . Focus o

Eat Fa to Get LEAN