modebranchen.NU NU International no. 01 2019 | Page 80

SOMMER GOOD LUCK TROLL JESPER SOMMER Originally, humble Danish woodcutter Thomas Dam created the little Goodluck Troll. Today the troll has become a design icon in its new version from the Danish design company bySommer ApS. BY HELLE MATHIESEN Just like any other fairy tale, the story of the beloved sion made by Jesper Sommer from the Danish design humble woodcutter Thomas Dam first became a world Things ApS. potbelly, big-haired troll includes both heroes and vil- lains. The little Goodluck Troll from Denmark, created by phenomene in the early 1960’s. But unfortunately he never received credit for the more than 200 million sold trolls worldwide because crooks sold replicas of his ma- sterpiece. Thomas Dam died of cancer in 1989 - poor and with a dream that his trolls, not the replicas, would get another chance. In 2016 the Goodluck Trolls were the superstars of the DreamWorks Animation movie “Trolls” – and “Trolls 2” is coming up in April 2020. And finally Thomas Dam’s dream came through. Today the troll has become a design icon in its new ver- 80 | ISSUE NO 01 JANUARY 2019 | MODEBRANCHEN. y company bySommer. bySommer has the license to pro- duce the trolls from Thomas Dam’s family company Dam The bySommer Goodluck Trolls are sold from design stores, interior shops and department stores in Den- mark, Sweden and Norway - and from Harrod’s and Self- ridges in London. And bySommer has grown from being a small company with only two employees - Jesper and his wife Mette - to a larger company with 14 employees and export to other Northern countries. Creating new, respecting old With more than 25 years of experience from the design industry, Jesper Sommer had a plan for the trolls that in- 0 709 nish l’s t FR b