modebranchen.NU NU_CPH_WEB | Page 89

SUSTAINABLE FASHION Summary Q | How is Dansk Fashion & Textile working with terms like sustainability and responsibility? A | DM&T is working hard to extend our member’s knowledge about global guide- lines: UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and OECD’s guidelines. Q | How will things develop in the coming ye- ars? Will consumers increasingly demand fa- shion that is produced responsibly with con- sideration of health and the environment? A | That depends on the perspective. Within the next few years I don’t expect responsibility to become a critical buying factor when it comes to consumer fashion. That being said, there’s a rather strong segment with great purchasing power that is increasingly interested in the sourcing of the clothes they buy - and they expect full transparency when it comes to work- DM&T Q | Hvordan tror du udviklingen bliver i de kommende år? Vil forbrugerne i stigende grad efterspørge mode, der er produceret med ansvar for miljø og sundhed? A | Det kommer an på perspektivet. Inden for de allernærmeste år tror jeg ikke, at vi vil opleve, at ansvarlighed bliver en afgørende indkøbsfaktor for mode hos ing conditions and resource consumption. svarlighed, og det er for sent at opdage det, når loven allerede er trådt i kraft, for så kan man ikke nå at omstille sig. Des- uden mister man den forretningsfordel, som der ligger lige for fødderne i forhold til at være først. Q | Giv et konkret eksempel på et af jeres til- People in that segment are front runners. The mainstream segment is not quite there just yet. But that means that we bet- ter saddle our horse in order to stay ahead of new and upcoming social responsibility laws. It’s simply too late to adapt, when the legislation is already in effect. Additionally, you’ll lose the first mover advantage. Q | Please give an example of one of your alle forbrugere. Der er dog et meget købe- tag, som er særlig relevant for leverandører, initiatives that is especially relevant for dygtigt segment, som i stadig stigende der arbejder med - eller gerne vil arbejde fashion companies that work with – or would grad går op i, hvordan deres tøj er blevet med - bæredygtig mode like to work with – sustainable fashion? produceret, og som efterspørger transpa- rens omkring arbejdsmiljø og ressource- forbrug. Det er vores front-runners. A | Det bedste eksempel er vores fokus på at hos medlemmerne. Den tilgang markerer A | The best example I can give is our fo- Mainstream er det ikke helt endnu. Men få implementeret Due Diligence-tilgangen et skifte fra nytteløs auditering (Naming marks a shift from futile auditing (Naming det betyder bare, at vi skal se at komme på vognen, for der er lovgivning på vej på mange forskellige områder inden for an- and Shaming) til konstruktiv udvikling (Knowing and Showing) samtidigt med, at virksomhedens forretning styrkes. cus on getting our members to implement the Due Diligence approach. This approach and Shaming) to constructive development (Knowing and Showing) and strengthens the company’s business. MODEBRANCHEN. | ISSUE NO 01 JAN./FEB. 2018 | 89