modebranchen.NU NU_CPH_WEB | Page 134

Artikel | article 16 PART TWO BRANDS FROM DK COMPANY AT CIFF PULZ JEANS CREAM Danmarks næststørste modekoncern udstiller igen på CIFF med et stort antal udstillere. Once again Denmark’s second largest fashion group, DK Company, is exhibiting at CIFF with a large number of brands. FRANSA BY HELLE MATHIESEN DK Company benytter CIFF som en salgsplatform for ikke blot hjemmemarkedet, men også det øvrige Skandinavien. På de følgende sider kan indkøbere lade sig inspirere af kollek- tionsbilleder og nyheder fra en række af koncernens brands. BLENDSHE Et af de første brands, som DK Company-koncernen overtog, var KAFFE. Siden har mærket udviklet sig til et succesfuldt brand med international appel – læs mere om KAFFE på næste side. DK Company use the CIFF trade fair as a sales platform, not only to reach the home market but also to make contacts and sales with retailers from other Scandinavian countries. On the following pages, NU inspires you with news and collection photos from the Danish fashion company. One of the first brands that DK Company acquired was KAFFE. Since then the group has developed KAFFE into a very successful international fashion brand. Read more about KAFFE on the fol- lowing page. 134 | ISSUE NO 01 JAN./FEB. 2018 | MODEBRANCHEN. B.YOUNG