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Artikel | article VIBRANT CITY LIFE AND PEACEFUL MINDFULNESS HANRO har ladet sig inspirere af såvel det pulserende byliv som rolig mindfulness i sin nye kollektion til damer og herrer til A/W 2018. For A/W 2018 HANRO is inspired by vibrant city life and peaceful mindfulness. AF HELLE MATHIESEN To modsatrettede tendenser smelter sammen i HANRO’s nye kollektion. Vi sætter pris på både det dynamiske urbane liv, men vi nyder også værdifuld time-out sammen med familie og venner i hyggelige og komfortable rammer. Danskerne kalder denne stemning hygge – et bevidst valg, hvor man prioriterer de nære øje- blikke og gør noget godt for sig selv og andre. Denne filosofi reflekteres i HANROs nye kol- HANRO lektion. Den nye kampagne er skudt med Hamborg som baggrund og kollektionen er både urban og af- slappet – en lille verden af komfort midt i byens puls. Summary Vibrant city life AND peaceful mindfulness – two supposedly opposite lifestyles merge into one in HANRO’s Fall/Winter 2018 campaign. HANRO HITS BEVERLY HILLS family and friends in a cozy and comfortable boutique. It is located in Beverly Hills, We appreciate the dynamic urban way of life – but also enjoy taking valuable time-outs with laid-back atmosphere. The Danes call this at- titude to life “Hygge”: a conscious and mindful way of living, enjoying the small things in life and doing good for yourself and others. This philosophy is perfectly reflected in the new Fall/Winter collection. Staged in front of the city lights of Hamburg, the collection is both urban and relaxed – a small world of wellbeing in the midst of the vivid city. 122 | ISSUE NO 01 JAN./FEB. 2018 | MODEBRANCHEN. In December 2017 Hanro opened its 1800-square-foot large California at South Santa Monica Boulevard, half a block from Rodeo Drive. This is the second U.S. location for Hanro, following the opening of the New York City store in the Meat Packing District in 2012.