modebranchen.NU no. 3 / August 2016 | Page 127

Patrade hjælper DK Company med at sikre koncernens immaterielle rettigheder. De viste billeder er fra to af koncernens brands – Gestuz og Karen by Simonsen KAREN BY SIMONSEN EN MODEVIRKSOMHEDS IP-STRATEGI KAN OMHANDLE FLERE FORMER FOR BESKYTTELSE – Et registreret varemærke beskytter navnet på dit produkt eller din virksomhed. Varemærker kan registreres i hele EU (28 lande) med én ansøgning. – Registrerede designs beskytter produkters fremtoning. Som for varemærker, kan der indleveres én ansøgning om registrering af et design – og den kan gælde i hele EU. – Patenter beskytter teknologi og fremgangsmåder – teknologien skal løse et teknisk problem og skal være ny og have opfindelseshøjde. Kilde: Patrade A/S GESTUZ Summary - It’s a well-known scenario. A company’s ing a gift shop and giving away all the gifts. international strategy that allows the mance. It’s not until later they realize that the brand. Unfortunately, a number of registering trademarks in existing markets sales staff has returned home from a fair, all pleased and satisfied with the sales perforthey may have given away their only true valuable property to one or more compe- titors. Or, in other words, they were ripped off by their competitors, who managed to steal away great product names, designs or innovations that weren’t protected as intellectual property, says partner and attorney Eva Aaen Skovbo from Patrade A/S, who also points out that going to a fair with- out having evaluated the company’s intellectual property rights is a little like open- - It’s key to protect intellectual property rights since it’s essentially the DNA of companies in the fashion industry haven’t sufficiently secured trademarks on their business name, logo and brand – and that can be a costly affair and companies can eventually loose potential markets and ownership r ights to competitors, says chief attorney at the Danish trade organiza- tion DM&T, Mikkel Gudsøe. The message is clear: - Identify your company’s “world map” company’s goodwill to grow while remaining legally protected. Consider as well as potential export markets listed in your five-year plan – and remember manufacturing countries as well. Look into the possibilities to protect the designs that are of particular importance for the company in the long run – 12 months after official launch of the product at the latest, Mikkel Gudsøe points out. of intellectual property and make an MODEBRANCHEN. | ISSUE NO 03 JULY 2016 | 123