modebranchen.NU no. 2 / June 2014 | Page 29

Show&Order in the new area. They provide the business which integrates ā€˛Prontofashion"-labels and high aesthetic standards of internatio- with short-term based updated goods, sui- into a successful trading concept. nal brands like M Missoni, Love Moschino, table for the demand of the current season. About Show&Order Show&Order is an alternative to the larger the adequate concept regarding to the cur- Show&Order is an international order plat- fashion fairs in Berlin and its focus lies on rent movements of the business to the re- form within Berlin Fashion Week. It offers the presentation of brands and the oppor- tailers, says Verena Malta. high quality collections in a spectacular lo- tunity to respond to the needs of exhibitors As an additional highlight there will be cation: the old Kraftwerk in Mitte. A deman- and retailers personally and individually. a pop-up store in front of the Kraftwerk, ded platform for inspiration, networking 29_