MO EDU-SAIL Learning Packages Effective Teaching/Learning Practices | Page 56

Professional Development to Practice Practice Profile Missouri Collaborative Work Practice Profile Foundations present in the implementation of each essential function: Commitment to the success of all students and to improving the quality of instruction. Effective Teaching & Learning Practices Unacceptable Close to Proficient Exemplary Variation (Skill is emerging, Ideal (Follow-up Essential but not yet to Implementation Proficient professional Evidence Functions ideal proficiency. (All items are in development Coaching is place.) and coaching is recommended.) critical.) Establish and teach Establish and Establish and Academic and Academic clearly articulated teach clearly teach clearly behavioral and academic and articulated articulated classroom rules behavior behavioral academic and academic and and procedures instruction classroom rules behavioral behavioral are not artifacts and procedures; classroom rules classroom rules established or implement and and procedures; are established Lesson Educators consistently, and procedures; implement them but not taught. plans of maintain an demonstrate implement at beginning of rules 1 effective methods to assure consistently, year, and can taught instructional all students and can describe methods environment. understand how describe of assuring all Student and when to use methods of students data them. assuring all understand how students and when to use understand them. how and when to use them.