MO EDU-SAIL Learning Packages Developing Assessment Capable Learners: Part 2 | Page 12

Professional Development to Practice Learning Targets ❑ I ca n re fle c t on/discuss how I he lpe d stude nts know “Whe re I a m going?”. ❑ I ca n ide ntify a nd imple me nt c ha ra cte ristics of e ffe c tive fe e dba c k. ❑ I c a n te a ch stude nts to se lf‐a sse ss a ccura te ly with a focus on le a rning ta rge ts. ❑ I ca n imple me nt stra te gie s tha t ma ximize the impa ct of stude nt se lf‐a sse ssme nt a nd goa l se tting.