MMIA Magazine - Million Moms In Action Magazine One Year Anniversary Issue | Page 16

5 TIPS TO KEEP YOU moderately SANE FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR BY: NEOSHI YAKI, CHIEF MOM IN ACTION A mom somewhere is jumping for joy right now. It’s the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year where all of your children go back to school (whew, finally). It’s not that children aren’t a gift and a blessing, but mama’s gotta have a break too right? As you prepare for 6-8 hours of child-free time use these 5 tips to make the most out of your newly found freedom (well sort of). 01 PREP AS MUCH AS YOU CAN EACH NIGHT BEFORE SCHOOL. This means ironing clothes and packing their lunch as well. This will save you 45-60 minutes in the morning. 02 GET TO SCHOOL ON TIME. RUSHING TO SCHOOL EVERY MORNING WILL MAKE YOU NUTS. Calculate how long it takes to drive to your child’s school during school traffic (if they’re a car-rider) then add on 20 minutes. This is how much time you should give yourself to drive to school every morning. If your child is a bus-rider then make sure they’re