MMIA Magazine - Million Moms In Action Magazine October/November 2014 | Page 10

exclusive interview THE Superwoman coach “Many people grow up thinking a 9-5 is the only option you have and that is not the case. Kids who grow up seeing their parents running their own business learn early on that there are options and possibilities outside of what society says.” Vicki Irvin Founder of Superwoman Lifestyle Washington, DC Twitter & IG: @vickiirvin 10 | Subscribe at After building her first company into a million dollar business in 12 months, Vicki Irvin started her next venture mentoring business owners which has quickly become a successful coaching practice for entrepreneurs. She focuses on teaching women how to have it all in Business, Beauty & Balance. MMIA What’s the one thing you wish you knew when you started out? VICKI I wish someone had told me how many hours I would have to put in! When you think about entrepreneurship, you have this fantasy where you think you will wake up and check your emails every morning, make a couple of phone calls and then have the day to yourself. The reality is that when you are in charge of your own company and destiny you have to work ten times as hard. Nobody will be there on Friday handing you a paycheck, you have to grind to earn it. Successful entrepreneurship requires going above and beyond and doing things that most other people will not. MMIA How do you balance the roles of entrepreneur and mom? VICKI One day at a time. I learned early on that it would be a tough juggling act. I have witnessed my son looking for attention from me and I didn’t have the time. I never want to see the look of disappointment on his face again. So I have to create boundaries. I don’t allow outside negative forces into my space and I don’t talk on the phone or engage in long text message conversations with people. I took inventory of where I was wasting time for one week and made the decision to use that extra time for the things in my life that matter the most, like my family. I learned that you can make money and lose money, but once you waste time you can never get that back. MMIA How do your children feel about mommy being an entrepreneur? VICKI My son thinks it’s cool when he sees me doing fun stuff. He likes to see me on magazine covers or in stories or on TV. He has brought my books to school to show his teachers because he is proud of me. He has grown up in a family of entrepreneurs so he knows and understands marketing. He helped me to create my SWL Cosmetics Collection which is a line I have with R&B Diva Chante Moore. My son gave me input and ideas on pricing and even attends events with me when we go on tour. At the age of nine, he sells the products, talks to customers and his favorite part...swiping credit card payments! So all in all, he likes the concept of being an entrepreneur and is focused on being rich; Bill Gates is his personal bench mark. MMIA What are your views on moms becoming entrepreneurs? VICKI For the right person, it can be the best thing. You have an opportunity to make a living while establishing your own parameters and boundaries. You also have the ability to be a role model to your children. Many people grow up thinking a 9-5 is the only option you have and that is not the case. Kids who grow up seeing their parents running their own business learn early on that there are options and possibilities outside of what society says. Moms are often concerned with leading by example and being an entrepreneur is one they are able to accomplish that. So I will always be a champion for moms who want to run their own business. October/November 2014