MMIA Magazine - Million Moms In Action Magazine March/April 2015 | Page 14

#MMIAFeaturedMompreneurs CASSANDRA FERGUSON Diamonds and Pearls Unlimited Churchville What’s the one thing you wish you knew when you started out? Cassandra: That everyone may see the purpose but not the vision. Making sure you have the right people around you. How do you balance the roles of entrepreneur and mom? Cassandra: I make sure I allow what every time is needed for both is there. I don’t get all bothered if my day don’t go the way I planned it. I just pick it up the next day. Share one business goal you’ve reached that you’re really proud of. Cassandra: Really proud of starting the 6 weeks leadership training for the Diamonds 13-25 years old. TINA C. HINES Life Transformation Specialist Franklin Park What’s the one thing you wish you knew when you started out? Tina: I wish I had known the evolution that my business would take. My mind had one primary focus and it has since evolved to more than I ever imagined. As I tried to control all areas of my business, certain elements took on a life of its own. How do you balance the roles of entrepreneur and mom? Tina: Although my son is an adult, he still lives with me. We schedule dinner together and excursions to NYC. For the most part, balancing my roles has never been a challenge because I am strict with my time. Share one business goal you’ve reached that you’re really proud of Tina: I created the Remember Me Retreat. At the conclusion of the retreat, the ladies shared with one another how the experience changed them in 5 short days. They realized the importance of self-care and self-love and how it needed to be an intricate part of their life. 14 | Get exclusive resources when you subscribe at March / April 2015