Mitigating the Challenges of Clinical Trial Monitoring: A Technology- | Page 12

Real-time data sharing between CROs, sponsors and site Key Criteria to Look for When Choosing a CRO: •  s the outsource organization a highly I experienced, reputable digital CRO with the ability to remotely monitor all aspects of the trial, from process initiation prior to trial launch through close-out? •  s the CRO well-equipped to provide the I capabilities and services you require to effectively manage your clinical trial? •  oes it have a single, fully integrated digital D trial management system accessible to all stakeholders in real time? Is the system easy to learn and use? •  o staff members have the qualifications, D experience, and skills to monitor your trial using the most advanced, integrated technology? Are they well-trained in effective use of technology tools? •  an the CRO demonstrate that it can save C you time and costs while enhancing quality and reducing risk? personnel facilitates decision-making, and provides a competitive advantage for sponsors, enabling faster time to market, lower costs, better quality control and reduced regulatory risks. The greater transparency between CROs and sponsors can also lead to longer-lasting business relationships. Choosing the Right CRO