Mission Beautiful Australia {MBA} Magazine MBA Issue 1 March. 2014 | Page 88

Alana Hart: Make over model, Hair & Make-up Artist; Cass Gork from CassRose Make-Up Artist www. facebook.com/CassRoseMakeupArtist Photographer; AmyLee from AmyLee Photography www.amylee.com.au HOW TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT DV For some, it’s because they don’t think it could happen to their daughter.  But research shows that it’s irresponsible to think that any young woman is immune to partner abuse.  In fact, while statistics vary, estimates indicate that as many as half of women will be victims of domestic violence at some point.  Other parents avoid the subject because they feel they simply don’t have enough knowledge to know how to address the situation.  So let’s talk about some ways you can arm your daughter against an abusive romantic relationship. Teach her that she’s a strong, competent individual. Build your daughter’s sense of selfworth and confidence.  You can do this in many different ways:  give her opportunities to tackle challenges, to be good at something, and to solve problems without being rescued by you too quickly.  Find ways to foster her belief in herself and her abilities, and in what she can accomplish.   When you do this, you will empower her.  Girls are still often socialized to “make nice.” They’re supposed to get along, and to avoid ruffling feathers.  Teach your daughter that she has a powerful “NO!” and that she doesn’t have to put up with anything that isn’t respectful and loving from anyone.  Focus less on convincing her not to hurt other people’s feelings, and more on teaching her to both give and demand respect in all her relationships. Teach her how to set standards and choose a great partner. You talk to your daughter about setting goals and having standards for the kinds of friends she has, for the grades she wants to get, for the college she’ll choose.  Teach her that she can set the bar for what kind of partner she chooses as well.  Even before she begins to date, you should talk to her about setting standards for any relationship she’s involved in.  As she grows, you can even share with her a little bit about your own standards you had (or didn’t have) and where it got you.  One of the best things to teach is how to evaluate a potential partner.  Have her watch the way someone treats others, and help her understand that this is a good indication of how she’ll be treated down the road MORE: http://www. justmommies.com/tweens-and-teens/ dating-talking-about-sex/domesticviolence-and-girls-what-should-youteach-your-dau#ixzz2uQewJF00 As parents, we hope our children know this truth, but we have to tell them.  Often.  Check in with her and know the people she’s friends with.  Get to know them, along with the people she dates.  Make sure she knows that there are other adults besides you she can talk to if she needs to.  MBA | MISSIONBEAUTIFULAUSTRALI A.COM rose READ Teach her that she can always come to you and tell you anything.  88 ASS But most of all, make sure that there’s no doubt in her mind that if she needs help, you will always be there for her. Teach her to watch for red flags. Knowledge is power.  Teach your daughter to watch for these warning signs of domestic violence: see page 50 for the top 30 Red Flags of a manipulative Partner MANY PARENTS NEVER TALK TO THEIR DAUGHTERS ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND PARTNER ABUSE.  WHY NOT? MARCH 2014 89