Miss Lingva Осень 2016 | Page 36

SCHOOL MATTERS Funny English with Elena Burmistrova Hi everybody! Сегодня я решила посвятить свою колонку вкусной и здоровой пище. Будем рассматривать рецепты английских блюд на английском языке. Переводим рецепты и готовим! Одно из самых любимых блюд англичан- Салаткоктейль из креветок (крабов) (Для тех, кто не знает, что такое «oz» и «lb»: 1 oz = 28,3 гр., «lb» = 0,45кг) Crab Salad Ingredients Serves: 4 2 Tablespoon Lemon juice 2 Tablespoon Mayonnaise 2 Tablespoon Natural yogurt 450 Gram Crab meat (1 lb) 1 Cucumber, diced 4 Tomatoes, skinned and cubed 110 Gram Pasta shells, cooked (4 oz) 1 Lettuce, shredded Cucumber and lemon slices, to garnish Method Mix together the lemon juice, mayonnaise and yogurt. Combine the dressing with the remaining ingredients except the lettuce. Serve the crab salad on a bed of shredded lettuce. Garnish with cucumber and lemon slices and accompany with brown bread and butter. If you are using fresh crabs in their shells you will need two large crabs to produce the weight specified. The dish looks good garnished with crab claws. Rigatoni With Pumpkin Rigatoni With Pumpkin is really healthy traditional cooking recipe. It is very easy to prepare and gives you unique taste of English Recipes Ingredients Rigatoni 500 g Butter 3 oz Pumpkin, cut into small cubes 250 g Snipped fresh Chives pinch ground Nutmeg 1 tbsp Parmesan cheese 30 g Black pepper Method Rigatoni With Pumpkin Method Cook rigatoni in boiling water in a large sauce pans following packets direction, Drain set aside keep warm. 36 missLINGVA / Spring, 2016