Miss Lingva Весна 2016 | Page 9

bothered by any doctors. He, as the word is, “clean” – no vaccination and unwanted marks defining his evolution and essence. Another question is keeping the right upbringing during the years. I mean “right” for one concrete family. During the first few years of our son`s life we took him to 5 different studios such as English, theater, art, roller skating, sand painting on glass and even modern dance. After that he has singled out the most desirable for him and we are pleased to continue training in several areas. I am often asked whether the child is not tired of such loads. Here is on the contrary: mom gets tired, especially if you consider the overworking. It’s not a secret that children under five or seven years (especially the first three years of their life) are like sponges; they absorb everything with incredible power and are thirst for new knowledge. That is the true parents` skill to see their children`s learning needs and not just give them knowledge, but also not to frighten children. Too often in the street or at public places I hear the message of the parents to their children: don`t do that, you will fail, you don`t know how to and many others, from which I feel my heart is broken and I want to come up and talk heart to heart. The programming for failure, trouble and tragedy is nowadays the favorite activity of young parents. However, it`s impossible to put your head on the shoulders of other mothers and, so it remains to hope for enlightenment of our nation in general. I’m sure that one day we do come to it. I often think is Alex lucky to have a mother like me? There is no doubt that I am lucky to have such a perfect son! But does he think the same? It seems to me that it will be hard for you to find a mother more active than I am. Having the idea of the type of my activity, life foundations and habits, every day I have to attend from two to four places. In 70% of cases with a child. In Moscow. If one would бенку, который вместо десяти слов в год говорит лишь восемь. Именно поэтому нашего сына с рождения не трогали врачи. Он, как говорится, «чист»: без прививок и ненужных штампов, определяющих его развитие и сущность. Другой вопрос – это поддержание правильного воспитания с течением лет. Я имею в виду «правил