Miss Lingva Весна 2016 | Page 38

SCHOOL MATTERS A good teacher knows… Teaching English is different, because the language is developing all the time and it always remains up-to-date. We must admit that it is extremely difficult to become a good teacher. You should know perfectly the subject you teach, you must be well-educated and well-informed. A good teacher knows the answers to any question. A good teacher develops a burning desire for knowledge in his pupils. He also helps the children become independent, fulfill their potential and organize their own learning. He is interested in his students, tries to help where possible and works hard to remain up-to-date in his subject. When thinking about the best way to thank a teacher, think about what he or she did that was exceptional or above the call of duty. Also think about how he or she changed you personally; the way you thought about things. We present to you the work of one of the best English teachers – Gutorova Svetlana. Ход урока 1. Начало урока. Приветствие. Сообщение темы и целей урока. Good morning, everybody! Glad to see you. Today we are having an unusual lesson. Try not to keep silence but to speak as much as possible. Look at the whiteboard and read the poem with the proper intonation: (Слайд 1) We go by car and we go by train, We go by boat and we go by plane. We go by land, by sea and by air. We go, go, go from here to there. (Далее видеосюжет) So, what are we going to speak about? (Ответы детей) Yes, the topic of our lesson is “Travelling”. We’ll try to answer the question “Is it worth travelling?” (Слайд 2) During the lesson we’ll improve our oral fluency, practise using the new words, listening to the dialogues and making up your own ones as well as expressing our opinion. To start with, I must say that today you’re going to appreciate your work at the lesson yourselves. Find the Evaluation card on your desks. Every time you do the task, write down your points. Is everything clear? 2. Работа с лексикой. 1) Фонетическая зарядка. Let’s practice to pronounce the new words (написаны на доске). 2) Активизация изученной лексики. I’d like you to remember some words on the topic. (Слайд 3) Your task is to make up the words out of these letters and fill in the gaps. Who has guessed the first word? …, you’re 38 missLINGVA / Spring, 2016 welcome. (Дети выполняют по очереди, по желанию). Good for you. Put the score: if you’ve taken part in this activity and do everything correctly, put “1”, if not or you’ve made a mistake, then “0”. 3) Новый материал: различие в употреблении слов. As you know, in English there are some words that mean «путешествие». Which of them do you remember? (Ответы детей). So, they are: travel, journey, trip and voyage (написаны на доске). Today we’ll try to learn how to differentiate them. Open your St’s books at page 232 and read the rule in the box. (Читают правило вслух: Р1-Р4). Look at the whiteboard. (Слайд 4) Complete the sentences using the words: a travel, a journey, a voyage and a trip. On your desks you can find the cards with this task – take Card №2. Do the task yourselves. Then two students will do it on the whiteboard. You have 2 minutes to do this task (Включаю музыку тихонько для фона: 2 минуты). Correct your answers with the green pens and write down the number of the right sentences. Who has 10 points? Hand me in your cards. Don’t forget to write your names. (Собрать карточки с заданием). 3. Чтение с элементами словообразования (Задание формата ГИА). Perhaps travelling is the most enjoyable hobby for a great number of people. Read the text to get to know how people from Great Britain travelled in the previous century. Take card 3. While reading fill in the gaps with the words lexically and grammatically suitable. You have 3 minutes to do this task. (Слайд 5-6-«прожектор»). (Включаю музыку) (У детей раздаточный ма-