Ministry Resources | Page 7

ALPHA COURSE RESOURCES | begin the greatest adventure ...
$ 59 99
$ 12 99
$ 49 99
$ 49 99
$ 21 99
Alpha Film Series : Revised 2018 Edition Nicky Gumbel , Toby Flint , and Gemma Hunt walk through the basics of the Christian faith . Engaging and epic in scale and scope . MIR AL 523141 5-DVD Set $ 59.99 Not pictured ( view at koorong . com ): 453265 Alpha Guide $ 9.99 466617 Team Guide $ 7.99 Alpha With Nicky Gumbel also available : 442074 5-DVD Set $ 49.99
Alpha Youth Series ( Revised ) On USB Now with updated content , more adventure , and even higher quality , the Alpha Youth Series sparks life-changing coversations with young people . It includes 13 episodes , each around 20-25 minutes long . “ Brilliant content , expertly produced .” – Mike Pilavachi , Soul Survivor . 535611 USB MIR AL $ 49.99
Searching Issues Nicky Gumbel Why does God allow suffering ? Do all religions lead to God ? Is there anything wrong with sex before marriage ? Nicky Gumbel delivers straight açswers in this response to the questions most commonly raised at Alpha courses . MIR AL 472463 Paperback $ 12.99 Also from Nicky Gumble : 513734 Questions of Life $ 21.99
$ 3 99
$ 10 99
$ 10 99 $ 39 99
$ 39 99
Why Jesus ? Nicky Gumbel This evangelistic booklet is designed for those who are considering the Christian faith for the first time , and want to find out more . It is given to all guests at the supper / appetiser event that commences the Alpha course . MIR AL 232744 Booklet $ 3.99
The Pre-Marriage Course : Updated Nicky and Sila Lee Five sessions to help engaged couples or those thinking about marriage prepare for their future . Sessions cover : communication , conflict , commitment , connection , and adventure . MIR AL 570690 Leaders ’ Guide $ 10.99 Not pictured ( view at koorong . com ): 568612 Journal $ 18.99
The Marriage Course : Updated Nicky and Sila Lee Seven sessions to help any couple strengthen their relationship : strengthening connection , the art of communication , resolving conflict , the power of forgiveness , the impact of family , good sex , and love in action . MIR AL 570691 Leaders ’ Guide $ 10.99 Not pictured ( view at koorong . com ): 568613 Journal $ 21.99
Parenting Courses Nicky and Sila Lee For parents , prospective parents , and carers . MIR AL
Parenting Children 339384 DVD $ 39.99 339398 Guest Manual $ 8.99
Parenting Teenagers 339383 DVD $ 39.99 339397 Guest Manual $ 8.99
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