Ministry Resources | Page 14

$ 16 99
$ 19 99
ESV Church Bible An affordable , practical choice to use in weekly worship services or for outreach efforts . The low price combined with an attractive , durable cover make this an ideal gift for church visitors as well . 8-pt , 21.9 x 13.6 x 2.5cm . 522952 Black Hardback ESV OM $ 16.99
$ 24 99
ESV Pew Bible This black-letter edition English Standard Version Bible is value-priced for wide distribution . It features easy-to-read 8-pt type , a two-column format , sectional headings , and textual footnotes . 21.2 x 13.6cm .
Hardback ESV OM
522955 Burgundy $ 19.99 Not pictured : 522954 Blue $ 19.99 522953 Black $ 19.99
$ 24 99
NRSV Pew & Worship Bible The NRSV Pew and Worship Bible features 10.1-pt Comfort Print text formatted in two columns , printed on heavy paper , and set in a quality hardcover binding . 22.2 x 14.6cm .
Hardback NRS TX
519205 Black $ 24.99 Not pictured : 519207 Burgundy $ 24.99
$ 19 99
NLT Pew Bible A handsomely bound , durable hardcover Bible that is ideal for church use . The New Living Translation text is clear and understandable , making its use in sermons or public Scripture reading an impactful experience for congregations . 21.5cm .
Hardback NLT OM
225033 Navy $ 24.99 Not pictured : 385905 Black $ 24.99 225034 Burgundy $ 24.99
$ 29 99
CSB Pew Bible The Christian Standard Bible is a closely literal translation that combines accuracy with readable clarity . This two-column edition is durably bound and includes topical subheadings and large 10-pt type . 22.8 x 15.2cm .
Hardback CSB OM
458976 Black $ 19.99 Not pictured : 458977 Burgundy $ 19.99
NKJV Pew Bible Large Print A trusted translation in a durable hardback binding , ideal for use in ministry settings . Features : easy-to-read 12-pt font Comfort Print , words of Christ in red , full colour maps , charts of the miracles , parables , and ministry of Jesus . 19.8 x 12.7cm .
Hardback NKJ LP
472825 Blue $ 29.99 Not pictured : 472824 Black $ 29.99 472820 Burgundy $ 29.99
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