MiMfg Magazine October 2018 | Page 11

October 2018 W hether on the right, left or somewhere in the middle, every vote matters. This November, Michigan’s 623,000 manufacturing workers will join millions more to cast their votes for Governor, U.S. Congress, the Michigan Senate and House, and countless statewide and local races and ballot initiatives. And MMA wants to help you be an informed manufacturing voter. To help you and your industry peers navigate the chaotic waters of Election Day, MMA has worked hard this fall to provide resources, information and networking, as well as touting national career awareness initiatives like MFG Day. “There are nearly 3,000 registered lobbyists in Michigan and nearly every one of them has an agenda conflicting with the needs of manufacturers,” said Chuck Hadden, MMA president & CEO. “When you vote in favor of candidates who recognize the need for skilled trades training, lower health care costs, fewer competitive barriers and less regulatory red tape, you create an opportunity for Michigan to compete with other states and in the global economy.” Manufacturers looking to empower their employees and pro-industry supporters in local communities across Michigan can: “ • Share resources • Build connections • Create awareness • Advocate on the issues Here’s how MMA is working to make every manufacturer election-ready… Resource Sharing — Know the Candidates, Know the Issues Understanding who and what to vote for is the most important duty for an informed manufacturing voter. MMA’s Election Center is populated with great resources to get you and your employees ready for Election Day, 11/6/18. Manufacturers who go to mimfg.org and search “Election” will find: • MMA-Endorsed Candidates Legislators who will work to advocate for skilled trades training, address competitive barriers and reduce regulatory red-tape to help move Michigan forward in an increasingly global economy. The Association’s list includes endorsements for the Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Michigan State Supreme Court, Michigan Senate and Michigan House of Representatives. • House and Senate Vote Records — MMA’s 100%ers! MMA has been busy the last two years working to get pro-manufacturing policies passed while working to block legislation and regulations harmful to industry competitiveness. The vote MiMfg Magazine 11 records of current legislators will help inform manufacturers of who supports the industry and what districts may need new representation. Included here are the one senator and 30+ representatives with perfect support on critical manufacturing issues. When you vote in favor of candidates who recognize the need for skilled trades training, lower health care costs, fewer competitive barriers and less regulatory red tape, you create an opportunity for Michigan to compete with other states and in the global economy. — Chuck Hadden MMA President & CEO ” • Sample ballots, polling place locators and Secretary of State resources What’s on my ballot? Where do I go to vote? How can I access election information? These are all questions the Secretary of State’s office can answer and MMA’s Election Center provides direct links to resources to help manufacturers prepare for their most important day of civic responsibility. • Building a Competitive Michigan — MMA Legislative & Regulatory Successes MMA legislative and regulatory advocacy has saved Michigan manufacturers billions of dollars. This comprehensive look-back provides voters with information on their association’s impact on talent, environmental policy, tax policy, health care policy and more! • Information on current legislators It’s never too late to connect with your current elected officials. Through the MMA Election embedded slideshow MMA recognized 32 legislators for their perfect support on critical industry issues. See the MMA Election Center at mimfg.org for the full list.