MiMfg Magazine May 2019 | Page 11

May 2019 T echnology is advancing at a rapid pace and even the most well-prepared companies are at risk of falling behind. At the same time, locating, training and retaining skilled workers is a challenge faced by manufacturers of all sizes and across all regions of the state. With limited resources, what should manufacturers do? Do they direct these resources to accelerating new tech growth or focus on securing a reliable talent pipeline? In today’s modern manufacturing facility, what should be the proper balance between technology and talent? Don’t Think “Balance,” Think “Integration” It’s easy to think that technology and talent are two halves of the successful manufacturing coin and dedicating time to one can neglect the other, requiring manufacturers to look for ways to “balance” between the two. In fact, according to some leading technology professionals, this is the wrong approach and companies looking to balance between tech and talent end up creating even greater imbalance. “Emerging technology and skilled trades talent are not areas that should be ‘balanced’ because that implies they are opposite forces that need to be brought into equilibrium,” said Michael Maddox, president & CEO of ASK, the Lansing-based provider of IT hardware, software, consulting and security solutions. “Integration is what manufacturers need to strive for. Talent and technology need to be integrated and, in order to do that, best-in-class businesses should develop a plan and work to implement it.” Creating the right plan, a strategic roadmap to success, is critical for all manufacturers. “Your plan needs to detail what emerging technology will be the most advantageous to the company in achieving short- and long-term goals. Equally important is how to train, retrain and incorporate skilled trades into that roadmap,” explained Maddox. What’s the Must-Have Tech for Manufacturers in 2019? There’s a variety of new tech out there and the continuing push toward Industry 4.0 is only offering more options for manufacturers to geek out over. Artificial intelligence. The industrial Internet of Things. Big data. Autonomous vehicle technology. Simulation. Additive manufacturing. Cyber security. What is ASK’s recommendation for the go-to choice of tech manufacturers must have? Not surprising, it’s none of the above — or, at least, no single, all-encompassing tech of choice. “It all depends on the strategic goals and direction for the manufacturer — we even have a MiMfg Magazine No matter how innovative technology becomes, manufacturers still struggle to locate the skilled talent they need to operate the technology and to do the jobs that technology can’t do. We are at the perfect point to develop new training programs and talent pipelines. — Chuck Hadden, MMA saying at ASK that ‘technology has no intrinsic value on its own for a business’ — so, to be honest, the manufacturers that look outside their business for the right tech to use in their business are doing it wrong,” said Maddox. “Technology’s value is only derived from its ability to increase profit, reduce cost and streamline processes and how that is achieved can vary greatly from one company to another.” In other words, don’t engage any area of emerging tech just because it’s the most talked about or appears to be the latest trend. What’s that mean? “It means you can research all the technology you want but, when you’re ready to bring new technology into your facility, you need to start with internal conversations and then work with your technology partner to map your business initiatives to the technology,” suggested Maddox. “Start with what goals you want to achieve and then find the technology most likely to help you achieve those goals.” Locating the Right Tech for You (Part 1) While it is very important to vet potential technology partners, before you look to potential partners, make sure you know what it is you’re looking for. Some of these questions include: • How do we view the role of technology in driving our business forward? • Is the business capable and willing to invest in technology and cyber security in order to provide future growth and protection? • Culturally, are we a company that truly values our vendors as partners? • What internal technical resources do we have currently and are they operating at the efficiency level needed? Locating the Right Tech for You (Part 2) One of the biggest challenges seen by ASK and other industry supporters is the varied level of tech skills found in today’s manufacturers. “Technology is not an area that most manufacturers have deep skills in,” said Maddox. “That’s not necessarily something that is their fault; the 11