MiMfg Magazine January 2017 | Page 15

January 2017 MiMfg Magazine 15


new year means committing to new goals and working to better yourself — this is true as a person and as a manufacturing company . Unfortunately , like losing weight and other resolutions , your ultimate goals aren ’ t achieved overnight . It takes hard work and many small steps forward , as well as a few steps back , to get where you want to go .
“ It can be easy to look back and say ‘ well , we should have done this or we should have done that ,’ but looking into the future and knowing what your business needs to do to succeed can be much more difficult ,” says Chuck Hadden , MMA president & CEO . “ MMA and our partners in Michigan and around the country are here to help you identify areas to improve and provide resources to accomplish your long-term business goals .”
You can increase your business ’ performance this year by :
• Improving your knowledge of state and federal policies impacting manufacturing
• Keeping talent as the top priority
• Utilizing new technologies to improve efficiencies across the manufacturing process
The three pillars of a successful manufacturing growth strategy — politics , people and technology — are not new but the unique nuances are changing as we move further into the 21 st century . By focusing your business on these three areas in 2017 , you ’ ll more likely see reduced costs , increased hires and retentions and opportunities to be a leader in advanced technology and industry efficiency .
Here ’ s how you do it …
Focus # 1 : The Politics
Improve your knowledge of state and federal policies impacting manufacturing .
The 2016 election had a significant impact on the direction of manufacturingfocused issues in Michigan . With the election of Donald Trump as President , Governor Snyder midway through his second term and Republicans maintaining control of both the U . S . Congress and the Michigan Legislature could all be signs of a greater

“ national focus on manufacturing in the next few years .

Where Michigan goes from here and how that impacts your business will become more clear over the next few months . One clear takeaway is pro-manufacturing policies still rely on strong advocacy , statewide coordination and an informed , engaged base of manufacturing leaders .
A key resource for manufacturers is MMA ’ s 2017-2018 Legislative & Regulatory Agenda . This essential document , developed by MMA members , breaks down the core principles of a competitive manufacturing industry on issues of tax policy , energy policy , environmental regulations , talent , health care policy and employment and workforce policy . Whether your business is deeply concerned about an issue or just looking for the broadest of talking points , the Agenda puts everything into perspective .
Along with core principles , the Agenda provides in-depth context about why each policy issue is important for manufacturing ’ s long-term competitiveness , testimonials from leading manufacturers , industry facts and statistics and list of actions you can support right away to push Michigan ’ s most vital industry forward . ( Learn more about the Agenda on page 5 .)
MMA provides members the information and venue to express your views . You help decide what needs to be fixed and MMA ’ s team of advocates will work with you to express those views with local legislators . As an employer in your community , whether you employ 10 people or 10,000 , your voice matters to legislators . They know you support families in their legislative
Issues to Watch For
At the federal level , there is much discussion taking place on what changes the new administration will bring . A top item being discussed is updating the tax code . If properly handled , these updates could render U . S . manufacturers more competitive . A second topic is
AnnMarie Treglia Dart Container Corporation Global Manager of Government Affairs and the Environment
trade agreements . Like taxes , trade agreements are fairly complex . If the new administration is able to renegotiate existing trade agreements or create new agreements , manufacturers have the opportunity to greatly benefit .

districts and that gives you incredible influence . We want to help you exercise that influence to make a difference in state policy .
“ My advice to all manufactures is make sure elected officials know you operate in their district ,” says AnnMarie Treglia , global manager of government affairs and the environment for Dart Container Corporation and member of the MMA Board of Directors . “ After all , elected officials are in office to serve their constituents — it ’ s up to you to make sure they know you exist and what issues are important to your business . Even if you have no pressing issues , arrange to visit your local legislators or their staff to introduce yourself .”
Every manufacturer employs people and those people have family and friends all across Michigan . Every legislator wants to meet and learn more about the constituents they represent . “ The most important part of advocacy is telling your story ,” says Daniel Wolter , government relations director for Pfizer Inc . “ My experience has always been that policymakers want to hear that story and see how the work they do impacts those of us doing business in Michigan .”