MilliOnAir Magazine Winter Edition | Page 261

''Regarder C’est Inventer...

Looking is inventing.

You have to keep your eyes wide open at all time, and never stop believing and creating.

Let’s do it possible together''


You are right Alex!, new technologies are disrupting the way old school industries evolve and the more accessible we make it at a global scale, the more people will get to understand what art is all about.

Dalí was fascinated by the great themes of literature and back in the late 40s he started working with Walt Disney, who he was a big fan of, just like me. One of the works I really like is “Alice in Wonderland”, please tell us the story behind that one.

With pleasure Elise, it’s one of my favorites. During a walk, Dalí saw the silhouette of a steeple bell. From this image evolved the silhouette of a girl, her arms forming a circle above her head.

In 1977, his 3d sculpture in bronze released Alice from the limits of the bi-dimensional painting. But Dalí’s final intention was to animate and breathe life into his iconic character.

The long-term project initiated with Walt Disney in 1945 and finalized in 2003 with the release of the movie DESTINO was a critical step for ALICE to freely move and interact in a virtual environment.

Today we are a step further, Alice comes out of the film by the use of overlap reality. Tomorrow, thanks to IA and Huawei technology, we will give each smartphone user a perfect opportunity to start creating their own tale.

Is there any other amazing story like this involving technology?

Dalí is the creator of the concept of soft watch/melting clock, unveiled in 1931 with the famous Persistence of Memory,

In 1976, he worked on a melting clock hologram with a holographic corporation, but the technology was not reliable enough, especially the lighting system used for playback was too hot.

At the beginning of this century a modern holographic lab was finally able to complete the project, by using a pulsed green ytterbium fiber laser.

This is my last question for you Alex, what is your 1 key takeaway message when it comes to art and technology?


Dalí said in French “REGARDER C’EST INVENTER” Looking is inventing.

You have to keep your eyes wide open at all time, and never stop believing and creating.

Let’s do it possible together.

Thank you so much Alex! What a pleasure it was to meet you. For those Dalí enthusiasts, you will be pleased to know that there is a shop space at Dalí Paris where you can purchase representations of his work, so you know what to get as a gift for those art lovers in your circle!

For more information, head over to their website