MilliOnAir Magazine Winter Edition | Page 164

Chemical peels

Chemical peels have been a mainstay of the

aesthetics industry for years. They are a relatively

short procedure in which a special solution is

applied to the face, causing the top layer of skin to be effectively “burned off”, allowing fresh, lineless skin to blossom from below.

While the concept may sound slightly unnerving,

they’re actually one of the best and most effective

methods of brightening complexions and

achieving great skin, as well as battling conditions such as acne, rosacea, ageing, melasma, and sun damage.

There are varying strengths of peel, which

determine how far into the skin layers the

chemicals delve. So, if you have deeper wrinkles, for example, a stronger peel may be better suited to your needs.

Chemical peels have come a long way in recent

years, mostly in the way different ingredients are

blended for superior results. And that’s where the

Perfect Peel comes in.

Party on with the Perfect Peel: revolutionary peel

for perfect skin.

A revelation since we introduced the Perfect Peel

to Vie Aesthetics earlier this year, it’s really pushed what this type of treatment is capable of. Versatile, powerful and fast-acting, it works wonders for anyone seeking radically improved skin in a short space of time. Let me explain a bit more about why it’s so impressive:

Magic ingredients

The Perfect Peel is a medium-strength, medical-

grade peel, which means it can only be performed

in clinics with a doctor – and supervised by a

doctor. The peel itself contains a unique blend of

vitamins and acids, including “Glutathione”,

which is the strongest antioxidant currently

available on the planet, and which had never been

incorporated into a peel before. That alone

provides a powerful ally against the onset of

premature wrinkles.

However, much of its firepower lies within the

actual combination of special ingredients,

enabling it to work on multiple levels. To begin

with, the product exfoliates your epidermis (the

outermost layer of skin), which is where most fine

lines and wrinkles sit. It stimulates the production

of collagen and elastin, so that your skin becomes

firmer over time. And it also targets and reduces

damage, or scarring, that exists in the dermis (the

middle layer of skin), most often caused by the sun

and acne.

One of the Perfect Peel’s unique advantages is that

your skin doesn’t require any advance preparation.

With most chemical peels, a preparation period of

around eight weeks is typically required ahead of

treatment. That’s not the case with the Perfect Peel.

You can launch straight in. But that doesn’t mean

you should shirk on caring for your skin at home.

As with all skin treatments, a proper skincare

regime at home is paramount to reaping the full

benefits of the Perfect Peel. Nobody can expect to

maintain results unless they use high quality

products between sessions. You should use an SPF

religiously to protect against sun damage, and you

should invest in a Vitamin C cream, which is so

crucial to our skin, and a quality exfoliator and

cleanser. Our clinic doctors and therapists are

always happy to provide ongoing advice about

looking after your skin, and what you should and

shouldn’t do.

Quick recovery

From start to finish, a Perfect Peel session typically

lasts around 45 minutes to an hour. Clients

experience a burning sensation during the

application of the chemicals, which isn’t pleasant,

but it’s fleeting, lasting around only 10 seconds.

Following treatment, the full recovery period is

around six days. Your skin will initially be red and

tender. A homecare kit is provided, which includes

easy-use wipes containing powerful Vitamin C

combined with Retinol. Day three is when the

peeling commences. By day six, the peeling should

have stopped, leaving you with fresh, new skin

that’s clear and “baby bum-smooth”. The Perfect Peel is highly versatile. It can be used

for general maintenance and boosting skin health,

or it can be used for reversing specific conditions.

Several of our staff have enjoyed sessions for

different reasons. So, I thought I’d share with you