MilliOnAir Magazine Winter Edition | Page 148

into a challenge, enthusiastically trying to make things better, someone who can see past the grey skies, ignore negativity and make their own positive outcome.

Well those shoes are right in front of you.

Being grateful is part of being healthy in mind and body. We all experience gratefulness but maybe we take too much for granted and maybe it's time to practice being grateful for more regularly.

This is what science tells us about being grateful:

1. Grateful people sleep better - spend a few moments writing down or thinking of a few grateful sentiments before going to bed.

2. Gratitude improves physical health - people experience fewer aches and pains and generally report feeling healthier. Not surprisingly, they are more likely to look after themselves. Grateful people are grateful for the bodies they have.

3. Gratitude opens doors to better relationships - the simple words "thank you" shows good manners and helps people to warm to you. So weather you say thank you to a stranger for opening the door or send a thank you note to a colleague or opening the door or send a thank you note to a colleague or partner who had helped you, acknowledging other peoples contributions can lead to better relationships.


o you sometimes wake up begrudgingly? Wishing you were in someone else shoes? Maybe, someone who is full of joy and happy to embrace a new day, some one who takes lives troubles and turns them

MilliOnAir | HEALTH & wellbeing



a key factor for our wellbeing


By Health & Beauty Contributor Heather Stewart-Whyte